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          America is in Pain...Got a Minute?...View the Video...Save a Life!


                                                                                Project S.M.A.S.H  
                                                     Substance Misuse and Support Helpline

How would it feel to "Save a Life" of someone you love?

Can you imagine yourself stepping up and stepping in to stop a loved one from self destruction and ending up on a slippery slope to a slow suicide from painkillers or any other addiction?  If so, help is on the way for you and those you love who are suffering and struggling every day.

Purpose:  Save a Generation

How would you like to see school systems nationwide, parents, family members, and communities join together and receive interactive support, social services, innovative information, and internet resources needed to effectively intervene and "Save a Life" of a teen or any other loved one from the dangers and drama of dependency and discontinuation from drugs and alcohol? When you “Save a Life”, you save a generation and impact a lifetime.
Let’s begin with the “at risk” lives of our most valuable resource and best hope for our future, beginning with our younger generation and moving on to adults and seniors. For teens, for example, an at risk behavior can be defined and seen in the possible lethal effects of mixing alcohol or marijuana with prescription painkillers, a potentially deadly "diet" cocktail or quick high for the Generation RX club members to hide uncomfortable feelings such as breakups, unpopularity, and school pressures. 

Goal: Smash Out Substance Misuse 

The goal is to eliminate substance misuse and problems of dependency in the future while keeping a pulse on new problems and keeping up with the ever growing trends in alcohol and drug use of our nation.

Mission:  National Social Support

Our special project mission is to raise national support and raise the level of awareness through education, compassion, social support, and intervention for people “at risk.”

Benefits: Save Lives and Save the National Economy

The benefits from addressing this public health issue are not only to help save lives but also help save our national economy.

Our national debt according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse is estimated at an overwhelming $524 billion a year  for crime, incarcerations, criminal justice, corrections, and enforcement from the effects of drugs and alcohol.

Desired Outcome:   “Each One, Help One”

The desired outcome of Project  S.M.A.S.H. promoted by  Dr. Carol Workman, EdD, CHt, CTNLP. and endorsed by Dr. Stuart Finkelstein, MD, ABAM.  is to Smash Substance Misuse by “Each One Help One” .Watch the ripple effect.   “Each One, Help One” encourages an outreach effect like ripples on a calm pond of water. As the ripple becomes bigger so does the self esteem and confidence of the people involved in bettering their own life and helping build a better life and economy for someone else.  

The potential global scale project’s will host the helpline of support services offering a safe haven and one-stop shop to educate and disseminate information, answer questions, and meet specific needs of teens, their families, and their communities.

Call or text  for more information for making your contribution to "Save a Life" for a better tomorrow starting today.. Thanks!

                                                                     Dr. Carol Workman  (310) 823-4216   


                                                         The Truth About Prescription Painkillers
                                                                           ©2009 Dr. Carol Workman, EdD, CHt, CTNLP                 
                                                                                                   CALL:  (310) 823-4216
                                                                                                  Proposed Documentary



Nationwide Alert:  In the last ten years painkiller abuse has increased over 140% which is higher than any other drug.  A growing national problem particularly among teens is the misuse of and addiction to painkillers, pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives to get high.

Did you know that 80 billion dollars is spent for pain relief in the United States each year? Over 5.2 million Americans are currently non-medically using prescription pain relievers that fall in the category of Opioids such as Vicodin, OxyContin, Morphine and Codeine. Even when some people take drugs for pain properly, it could still lead to dependence.

You or someone you care about may be taking these narcotics that are highly effective as well as highly addictive.

The Painkiller Problem:  Have you ever started taking pain medications only to discover that long after the pain had gone you were still taking the pills out of habit? Maybe you started pain medication for discomfort and your physician prescribed a painkiller to help you manage the pain because...

Ø       You were in a car accident.

Ø       You slipped and fell.

Ø       You had surgery.

Ø       You are recovering from a cancer treatment.

Weeks or months after you healed, you still take painkillers and perhaps more of them. Then you realize that without the painkiller you experience more pain in withdrawal.  The drug meant to help you now harms you.

Physical and emotional damage are often associated with painkillers when it is too late. People don't realize that painkillers, if used outside a doctor's orders, can become a human catastrophe.  Overdoses from painkillers can occur accidentally or intentionally, and interaction with alcohol, other sedatives, and prescription drugs can contribute to tragic death.

The Scientific Solutions:
If you or someone you love are among one of those millions of American suffering from pain and need relief, this program will help you discover the truth about prescription painkillers and their dosage, dangers, dependency, and discontinuation.  You will be able to answer questions about your painkiller problems such as:

What do I do when I want to stop and just can’t seem to do it?
How do I really know if I am misusing or becoming dependent on my pills?
Is addiction really a chronic relapsing brain disease?
What do I do if I forget to take my pills?
What do I really know about dangers as side effects, interactions, mixing, sharing, substitutions, alcohol, and death?
What are the symptoms of withdrawal?
What is the best treatment and recovery plan for me?

It's understandable that people want to leave the doctor's office with a prescription.  In fact, 1.8 billion US prescriptions were filled last year. A prescription sends the message that the doctor believes you have a real problem and that something can be done about it. However, this may mean to you that non-drug alternatives are not as effective. Non-drug alternatives can be just as "medical" as any pill you take.

You will discover how holistic health practices as acupuncture, hypnotherapy, meditation, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), brain wave harmonics, biofeedback, massage, orthotics, pain devices, thought-field therapy,
and quantum pain therapy stimulate the body’s self-healing capabilities and are also scientific solutions to pain relief.

The Desire Outcome
:   ”We want to help the public understand addiction, and make sure that those with addictions know how to get the most effective evidence-based help available.”  Louis E. Baxter, Sr. MD, FASAM President and Board Chair, American Society of Addiction Medicine


         Endorsed by:  Dr. Stuart Finkelstein, MD, ABAM                                                 Produced by:  Howard Lamden


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